Admission | 2020 Intake at GXU
Guangxi University was founded in 1928. Today, Guangxi University has developed into a region-featuring research university with 30 colleges. It boasts 97 undergraduate majors, master degree station of 36 primary disciplines and 171 sub-disciplines, doctoral degree stations of 8 primary disciplines and 45 sub-disciplines as well as 7 postdoctoral research centers. The university has 2,006 full-time teachers, including over 400 professors, more than 700 associate professors, 125 Ph.D supervisors and 1,328 master supervisors. The number of the full-time undergraduate students amounts to 23,649, whereas the full-time postgraduate students reach 6,669. In addition, the number of international students from over 30 nations and vocational education students totals 800 and 20,000, respectively.
It mainly takes four simple steps before you become an enrolled student at GXU.
Step 1. Make a plan ("What am I supposed to study at GXU? What are the programs I can choose?")
This should be the first question to answer before you come to GXU. In addition to learning Chinese language, we provide programs from undergraduate to Ph.D level of 11 disciplines including philosophy, economics, laws, liberal art, sciences, engineering, agriculture, management, education, medicine, and arts. To know more about the programs available at GXU,(College and major of Guangxi University)
Step 2. Make an application
Now you can start to make application. There are two approches of application available, namely online application and onsite application.
Photo ( bust portrait in dark clothes against white background)
Health certificate (
Passport (photo and visa page)
HSK certificate (degree students shall provide; HSK 4 or above)
Latest diploma ( degree students shall provide the notarized original and the Chinese or English translation)
Latest academic transcript ( degree students shall provide the notarized original and the Chinese or English translation)
Two recommendation letters written in Chinese or English by full or associate professors (postgraduate students shall provide)
Study plan (postgraduate students shall provide in Chinese or English)
Step 3. Wait for feedback
Now you can sit back and wait for our feedback. After reviewing your application, we will make further decision and get back to you in 1 week. All you have to do now is to stay patient, patient and patient.
Step 4. Visa
If you have made your application in your country or somewhere else abroad of China, you will need our admission letter and a visa application form signed by the government to apply for the student visa which allows you to enter China as a GXU's enrolled student.
If you are already in China or have made the application onsite, please come to our office to apply for the student residence permit which allows you to stay at GXU for a certain period of study.
Please notice that the residence permit is one crucial material that allows you to stay in China. We will help you to get it after your admission is confirmed and the tuition is paid.
Tuition (CNY)
汉语进修生 Chinese Language Students
2000.00 / 4周(weeks)
2500.00 / 6周(weeks)
3000.00 / 8周(weeks)
10500.00/学年(academic year)
本科生 Undergraduates
11000.00/年(year) 汉语言4年 (Chinese language)
12000.00/年(year) 文科4年(liberal arts)
14000.00/年(year) 理、工科 4-5年(sciences, engineering)
23000.00 /年(year) 艺术、体育4年 (arts, sports)
硕士研究生 postgraduates(master)
15000.00/年(year)文科3年(liberal arts)
18000.00/年(year)理工科3年(sciences, engineering)
27000.00/年(year)艺术、体育3年(art, sports)
23000.00/年(year) 文科专硕 2年(professional master's degree for liberal arts)
29000.00/年(year) MBA 2年(Master of Business Administration)
27000.00/年(year)理科专硕 2年(professional master's degree for science)
35000.00/年(year)艺术、体育专硕 2年(professional master's degree for arts and sports)
Other costs(CNY)
住宿费 Accommodation Fee
单人间Single room:8000.00/学年(academic year ) 4000.00/半学年(half an academic year)
双人间Double room: 4000.00/学年(academic year) 2000.00/半学年(half an academic year)
保险费 Insurance Fee
300.00/半年(Half a year); 500.00/年(Year )
体检费 Medical Examination Fee
约(About) 350.00
餐费 Dining Fee
约(about) 750.00/月(Month)
书费 Book Fee/学期(Semester)
约(About )400.00